Locating secret calls

Locating secret calls

Post Updated on 06-04-2020, by Private Investigator in Greece SOTIROPOULOS & Associates

Despite the fact that there have been some steps to eliminate anonymity on the mobile phone field, since each holder has to declare officially his/her number to the line provider, undisclosed calls to mobile phones are continuously increasing.

The reasons why there is an outbreak of this phenomenon are various:

A) The secret calls on a personal level are a kind of emotional blackmail.

B) On a professional level secret calls may elicit information through threats and intimidation.

Regardless of the reason why we accept such calls, the mere fact causes great fear and turmoil, changing our lives mainly due to our ignorance about the intentions of the people who call us and keep their identity hidden.

By any means we provide security and information about your problem.

The private investigation offices are obliged to comply with the law 3206/2003 set out in the Government Gazette 298/A/23.12.2003 and concerns private investigators.
